Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sand crab...

Pics of the chief executing beach readiness exercises. Videos to come.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Printer Captain

Atticus snags one of Jasmine's projects off the printer and takes it on a short trek. Then he has words with it...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Wheels of laughter (pt. 2)

About half-way through this one, he elicits a quake inducing laugh that conveys one of the following thoughts: A) "That dog is made entirely of peas" or B) "Please. For the love of Berry Gordy's ghost stop doing the white suburban overbite dance, Dad".

Wheels of laughter (pt. 1)

Atticus likes crawl-race.........and pretty much anything that turns.

Dungeons & Dragons redux

Its been over a month since the 'Godfather' of role playing games, E. Gary Gygax, passed away. Since then, I've seen him consistently satirized in a variety of pop-culture, nerdcore, and college newspaper sites and publications. For a guy that lived in relative obscurity for most of the past 10 years, he sure made a lasting impression. The breadth and depth of these "tributes" are truly clever and would have had him laughing 8 die fireballs. My favorites include:
  • Picture and related caption from The Tech, MIT's school paper. The tribute is great, but the text of the caption is even better. First, the author used the word 'hackers' to describe the individuals that placed the die in the quad. I think they meant 'vandals', but that 'hackers' has become universal nomenclature for anyone subversive. Or I'm just old. Apparently he is also the inventor of 'THE Dungeons and Dragons' which makes him kind of creepy and possibly a lesser deity.
  • This NY Times article. The article itself is ok, but the Visio diagram is genius. There are frighteningly accurate truths about me hidden in there.
  • This masterpiece in Wired magazine. I can't decide which is funnier, the concept itself or the celebrities they selected. Rick Astley hasn't had this much run since he and Falco were bonus questions on You Don't Know Jack.
I'll leave you with this.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I've been searching for an easy way to regularly share pics of Atticus and assorted tales with a wider audience of family and friends. I've missed sharing the artifacts as well as the creative outlet since the days of the Daily Harper. I can't promise that the updates won't die an abrupt death once Atticus starts ordering Taylor polynomials on his pizza...in French, but this seems like a fairly easy format to manage even for me, the Man of Shrinking Free Time.

Saxaboom throwdown

Watch Ace rock the saxaboom! Jables never played this good.